pathology diagnosis


Opportunities and Challenges in the Nexus of Traditional and Computational Pathology. Approaches using diagnostic decision support systems in pathology and microscopy. by Hernani Cualing MD, Medical Director, IHCFLOW Inc. Affiliate Associate Professor, Hematopathologist, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Cell Biology and Pathology Department. “Computer aided diagnosis will be widely used if the reports…

cuganeous hematopathology

Cutaneous Hematopathology has Published!

Cutaneous Hematopathology Approach to the Diagnosis of Atypical Lymphoid-Hematopoietic Infiltrates in Skin Cualing, H.D., Kadin, M.E., Hoang, M.P., Morgan, M.B. (Eds.) 2014, XVI, 602 p. 452 illus., 450 illus. in color. Provides a novel approach based on histoimmuno-architectural patterns Multidisciplinary integration of dermatopathologists, dermatologists, hematopathologists and infectious disease experts Written by experts in their fields​ This volume explores…

Book Manuscripts Submissions (07-05-2010)

The book manuscript project headed by Hernani Cualing – a multi-author publication commisioned by WILEY-BLACKWELL for 2011 has concluded phase I- . Helped by CDC, Universities, private practitioners and corporate contributions from US and International contributors NON NEOPLASTIC HEMATOPATHOLOGY AND INFECTIONS 2011 WILEY BLACKWELL PRINT AND E-BOOK FIRST EDITION Many infectious agents disseminate in blood…